If You Want To Apply For The Documentary…

According to HollywoodStarTrash, they will take as many fans as they can get, so all of you can apply. If you live in Los Angeles, they can meet you to film it. If you live outside the US, you can send them a tape by mail.

You would also need to sign a simple release form allowing them to use the footage in their documentary.

Here’s the release form and the questions. You can do this, however you want to be creative, etc:

1. Why is Paris your favorite celebrity? What do you like most about her? When did she become your favorite celeb?
2. Can you show us your room or area in your house that you keep a lot of your Paris stuff? (if possible show this to us and talk about it)
3. What’s the most treasured item or thing in common you have with Paris?
4. Do you think the tabloids go too far with Paris sometimes?
5. Do you think Paris would be less or more famous if the tabloids didn’t exist?
6. What would you do/say if you met her? Or have you met her?
7. Have you written her fan mail? If so could you read some of it or talk about it.
8. Had you ever heard of Hollywoodstartrash.com before this?
9. What you think of Hollywood Star Trash?
10. Do you think people would be interested in buying celebrity trash?
11. Anything else you’d like to add.

You don’t have to answer all these questions, just as many as you want to. Feel free to add anything else you want.

If you want to apply, email Tom at info@hollywoodstartrash.com.

hiram suggested that we make a thread in the forum about this and vote for the best proposal. We can all help out with ideas, etc.

I thought that was a good idea, too, but HollywoodStarTrash is searching for as many fans they can get, so I’m not sure. If some of the participants need to help, they can always ask us. It depends on what you guys want to do.

Posted: June 11th, 2008
Comments: 5


From: thewaymouth
Time: June 11, 2008, 2:25 pm

I don’t know, maybe these guys from Hollywood Star Trash are all right, but…

I just checked their website. It is what it is. They steal star’s trash and sell it. They stole Paris’ trash a week before she was to enter jail last year.

I think it’s disgusting. I can only imagine what kind of documentary they would make. They would probably mock the participants and their memorabilia. Declare that the fans and their treasures are all trash.

I don’t trust them. F— them.

From: thewaymouth
Time: June 11, 2008, 2:26 pm

PS Stealing people’s trash, even if it is trash, is an invasion of people’s privacy.

These guys don’t seem to be that far removed the folks behind Paris Exposed.

From: admin
Time: June 11, 2008, 2:31 pm

I know what you mean, thewaymouth.

Even if they mock the participants, it still doesn’t change the fact that the participants are real fans who have something to say. Anyway, I think they’re just giving their opinion. I know a lot of people think I’m crazy for doing this site, but if I believe in what I do, then I don’t care what they think.

HollywoodStarTrash is a bit more different than Paris Exposed. At least HollywoodStarTrash doesn’t sell her private stuffs and they’re careful with that.

From: Anonymous
Time: June 11, 2008, 3:09 pm

Hollywood Star Trash is just a bunch of losers who go through celebrities trash and sell it on ebay. That was one of the reasons she moved to a gated community. They sold Paris’ dental floss, dog food cans (empty and full), her makeup, fan letters with addresses, empty dvd boxes, used kleenex, used dental floss, cab receipts, etc.- completely disrespectful. In my opinion they are a bunch of losers trying to capitalize on Paris’ fame under the pretext of doing good. Paris doesn’t need the publicity- they do. I love Paris and won’t be participating. I don’t trust them.

From: thewaymouth
Time: June 11, 2008, 6:04 pm

I hear you, admin.

– I was just giving my answer right here to question no. 9.

– Sometimes you do have to make a deal with lesser lights in order to shine your won light.

Paris is making BFF for MTV. But don’t ever forget that MTV knew what was coming but still let Sarah Silverman get away with the horrendously shameful way she ridiculed Paris just a year ago. And that of course caused howls of derision to come raining down on her from the audience at the the MTV Movie Awards.

I would have told MTV to go F— themselves. But then I am not a fan of Reality TV, and am not excited about “BFF.”

I’m sure Paris has not forgotten how MTV, VH1 et al have picked on her, but she will get to do what she wants and have it seen. Life’s about compromise, if it’s worth it to you.

I think I could explain my love for Paris in a very intelligent and understandable way. I’m just not sure if Star Trash is the way to share.

– And yes, you are crazy…
like a fox.
Following a foxey lady.