Paris Hilton reinitiates her desire to get into the hotel business

At the launch of the “Tease” perfume, Paris Hilton told FOX network:

“I’ve pretty much done all you can do, but my next project that I’d like to do is get more involved in real estate – just from being in the business and growing up in it my whole life, it’s always something I’ve been interested in.”

“And right now that I’ve done everything I've wanted to do, that would definitely be the next step, to open my own hotels.”

She also added: “I don’t watch much television because I’m very busy with work and traveling, but one show I really love is ‘True Blood.' I think it’s really awesome, so that’d be a lot of fun. Maybe I’d play a vampire or something.”

Posted: August 17th, 2010
Comments: 1


From: Ulysses Cheung
Time: August 18, 2010, 9:19 am

Dear Paris, It’s very good project, you need understanding home technology….