Paris Hilton to appear on a Turkish show!

Paris Hilton will appear on a Turkish show on Sunday night, according to this promo video.

Does anyone know if Paris Hilton recently visited Turkey or something? This is a bit weird. I understand Turkish, and I can tell you the host in this video is definitely speaking in Turkish!

Posted: May 28th, 2009
Comments: 2


From: Diego
Time: May 29, 2009, 11:45 am

Yes, she was in the Turkish Riviera last weekend attending the launch cocktail reception of the Mardan Palace (Europe’s most expensive luxury resort) wearing a pink Canker Kacar gown, along with other celebs like Mariah Carey, so maybe this show was taped on saturday or sunday.

From: Jen
Time: May 29, 2009, 6:12 pm

She was there last year too and helped judge a bauty contest.
Remember when she danced with the bellydancer? She looked great.