Leader of Baca Recall Petition Quits

A former county employee leading an effort to recall Sheriff Lee Baca based on his handling of Paris Hilton’s jail sentence has resigned.

A statement Monday from The Committee to Recall Lee Baca said Andrew Ahlering’s decision to step down was based on “threats to his safety.”

The initiative had gained scant support since it was launched more than two months ago.

Ahlering had gathered just 40 of the nearly 400,000 signatures needed by December to get a recall measure on the ballot, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Ahlering, who accused Baca of giving Hilton preferential treatment by allowing her to return home after serving less than four days of a 23-day jail sentence earlier this summer, also said he had raised less than $100 for the campaign.

The petition accuses Baca of giving favorable treatment to celebrities and of “gross mismanagement of the largest jail system in the United States.”

A Baca spokesman said Ahlering’s difficulty generating enthusiasm for the campaign is evidence that the sheriff has the public’s support.

Associated Press

So he decided to resign because of “threats to his safety.” This mostly likely had nothing to do with Paris Hilton, but maybe about something else. If anything, Andrew Ahlering shouldn’t be attacked just because he formed a rational opinion about Beca or because 90% of his supporters are likely to be celebrity haters. Whatever!

Also, I disagree with the Baca spokesman, and will say that the public has never supported Baca because the public isn’t smart enough or too hateful to understand Baca’s decisions. Just you take care of the system and treat every inmate fairly, and ignore the crazy public.

Posted: August 28th, 2007
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