Paris Hilton Forum > General Discussion > By Blog

Subject: By Blog

Original Poster: FallenMorgan
Posted on 3-4-2008 at 03:50 PM

Morgan's Fun Ranting Corner, read it:

I rant about a lot of things that piss me off. I sometimes intertwine my love for Paris in there. I hope hypothetically if I liked a girl they wouldn't read this, because they prolly wouldn't like me...

Reply: Django
Posted on 3-4-2008 at 07:38 PM

I agree with a lot of what you said in general over politics, abortion, religion etc. You have some well considered common sense views there.

Can't agree about where you mention rather writing a letter to Paris, calling her a *beep* I might not be keen on kids myself, but I could never hate the idea THAT much that I'd rather insult Paris.

Reply: FallenMorgan
Posted on 3-4-2008 at 10:08 PM

I meant I'd rather do that than have kids, just to clarify for anybody else who might read that. Never said I wanted to do that.

Glad you agree with me on some things. I have another blog planned about women and their roles in family structure. It's mostly about how the child in a relationship takes the father's last name, even if the couple is unmarried and yada yada.