Paris Hilton Forum > Movies > OMG!!!!Got a Prop Form The Hottie & The Nottie!!!

Subject: OMG!!!!Got a Prop Form The Hottie & The Nottie!!!

Original Poster: PARIS-HILTON-LOVER™
Posted on 10-2-2008 at 01:49 AM

I swear on my sole!!!!The actual pillow from the movie Paris was laying on!!!Got it because my teacher's friend made the movie!!!And my teacher said she would try and get something for me!!!!

PARIS-HILTON-LOVER™ has attached this image:

Posted on 10-2-2008 at 01:51 AM

Here it is!!!

PARIS-HILTON-LOVER™ has attached this image:

Reply: Enkil
Posted on 10-2-2008 at 02:08 AM

Hehe PARIS-HILTON-LOVER™, that's really kewl! Thanks for posting!

Reply: parishiltonfan4life
Posted on 10-2-2008 at 05:25 AM

Aww you're so lucky :cool: