Paris Hilton's Dubai BFF (2011)

Paris Hilton's Dubai BFF

Brittany from the first U.S. squadron was shot down pretty quickly, took her place in the second season of Stephen before the trip to Paris was to decide in the UK for Sam. It continues: this time the scene is the Middle East. The search for a new best friend out of the hotel heiress in the metropolis of the sheikhs and nouveau riche to Dubai.

Paris Hilton's Dubai BFFThe rivalry between Paris Hilton's potential new best friends, "BFF" (Best Friend Forever), is once again confronted with the enormous and Saving Silverman. 20 girls compete for Paris' favor. All live in Dubai, ten ladies are originally from Dubai and ten are from countries such as Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, Croatia, Qatar, Iran and India.

The Dubai version of the show can be interesting to see which luxury adventure has come up with the It Girl. In the city of the super-rich and superlatives are waiting the most exclusive clubs and beauty mark on Paris and its almost BFFs. The position of new best friend can fill in the end, only one of the hopefuls.

Who rubs his camel at its best with saffron? Who will be the "Little Star", that is Paris' spies and assigns, of the week? And the friendship has really forever this time?

Paris Hilton's Dubai BFF is set to air on MTV networks in Spring 2011.